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5 CBD topicals that bring their A-game

In the last year, CBD market growth has risen so much and given many a natural, bio-derived alternative for many health issues, including skin. Especially in the beauty industry, but used for pain relief as well, CBD has become a favorite buzzword – and it isn’t uncalled for – we know how wonderfully this oil works through the cannabinoid receptors on the skin.

An important function of the endocannabinoid system in the skin can regulate cell growth and heals wounds, which might be the reason why it’s becoming so popular.

But, with exponential growth, we are being surrounded by many brands and products infused or made with CBD oil, of which some contain alcohol, toxic chemicals and things that might not work synergistically with cannabidiol.

So, in order to save your time and money, we’ve made a rundown of the best topicals out there, which will make you feel better, healthier and proud to be in your own skin!

1: Charlotte’s Web Hemp Infused Cream With CBD

For anyone familiar with our articles, you will notice Charlotte’s Web near the top of our lists frequent. What can we say? They are popular for a reason. They produce incredible CBD products. This organic CBD Topical can help manage everyday stress, recover from exercise inflammation and most importantly rejuvenate your skin.

Something just feels different about this CBD Cream. From the incredible non-overpowering smell to the general wellness we felt after using it. We also love their honesty, they admit since they are so close to a purely natural source results can vary and every topical might not be the exact same. While consistency from what we noticed in near perfect, its still great to hear a company not sacrifice natural purity with synthetics.

Learn More About Charlotte’s Web

2: CBD Infused Herbal Balm by SOL CBD

Using a CBD infused balm topically has proven to relieve one’s muscle and joint pain, penetrating quickly through CB1 and CB2 receptors on our largest organ. Because of these and other receptors, cannabidiol is easily absorbed and thus the quick sense of relief and calm. Combined with herbal extracts and oils, the full spectrum hemp extract works really well in maximizing all the beneficial effects. This particular balm is made with exactly 13 powerful ingredients, which were crafted carefully with the intention to compliment each other and work directly on areas that are affected. Providing nearly instant results, the SOL CBD balm is safe for all skin types.

Some of those ingredients are lemon peel oil, which is incredibly nourishing for the skin and organic rosemary leaf extract that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and skin toning properties. Packed with Omega 6’s and 3’s as well as many vitamins, this balm can be used to combat wrinkles, scars, bruises, stretch marks, acne and eczema.

If applied to the stomach area, the CBD balm treats menstrual cramps and indigestion pain.

So, if have any of these conditions, feel optimistic to give SOL CBD a try.

Learn More About SolCBD

3: Polar X CBD Infused Analgesic Gel by Green Garden Gold

Thanks to all the research done in the last decade, CBD has proudly entered the realm of sports, helping athletes with backaches, strains, muscle and joint pains. This analgesic gel and others can be used on the hands, knees, feet, back and neck, which is where the pain occurs most commonly for sportsmen and sportswomen. But, don’t get a gel mixed up with a balm or lotion, because these are stronger and contain specific ingredients for pain relief only, thus the term ‘analgesic’ in its name. What this means is avoid applying it on damaged skin or wounds, rather apply a thin layer 3 to 4 times a day on the affected area and wash your hands after doing so. After just a couple of minutes, the hemp extract should have entered through the receptors and began reaching homeostasis, leaving you relaxed and without major pain.

CBD and cannabis skin products are safe to use liberally and haven’t caused side effects in testing. Despite that, it is very important to test a small amount on your skin first before applying to the affected area. The probability of an allergic reaction to CBD is practically non-existent, but some other ingredient could not suit you well, so be sure to consult your doctor and do a skin test first.

Learn More About Green Garden Gold

4: CBD Relief & Recovery Spray by Sagely Botanicals

With 50mg high quality broad spectrum CBD per bottle, this spray contains a proprietary blend of plant-based ingredients, which will help stimulate and empower the body. Other ingredients found in this spray include menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils that make the product dry quickly and easy to carry.

The oils produce instant cooling, refreshing and comforting effects on the skin, refresh and energize the senses and well as promote wellbeing and healing. No synthetic ingredients or parabens were added to this product and it was made sure during lab testing that the product is gluten free, vegan and not tested on furry friends.

Learn More About Sagely Naturals

4: Hemp Massage Oil with Lavender, Sandalwood and Copaiba by Mana Botanics

Topical CBD seems to be very versatile, as it helps with many conditions like psoriasis, bacterial infections, itchy rashes and neck and back pain. Oils of this versatile compound do an amazing job at moisturizing and soothing the skin. Cannabinoid and hemp oils also do well for anti-aging properties, where they reduce fine lines, wrinkles and signs of aging.

Enriched with organic jojoba oil and Hawaiian kukui nut oil, this product from Mana Botanics is used best for deeply rejuvenating the skin. Besides that, a selected blend of oils carries phytonutrients into the tissues and promotes a peaceful state of mind. The light lavender scent additionally yields a sense of calm and collected. A perk of this particular product is that its made from organic whole plant hemp and is isolate free.

Use it yourself or bring it to your masseur for extraordinary pain relief and soothing the skin.

Learn More About Mana Botanics

5: Extra Strength Relief Body Oil Mandarin Turmeric by Re Botanicals

Extracts from the cannabis plant have been used as a pain relief and for skin conditions for hundreds of years in India and Latin America, but with extensive research every day, new ways of application and healing are being discovered. Many arthritis patients reported fast relief from using CBD topical products to inflamed and painful joints. The best part of using CBD topicals is that it’s a natural, non-toxic alternative to expensive and synthetic drugs. Body oils from Rebotanicals that relief from pain are highly concentrated with CBD and have a metal ball roll-on applicator that makes it very easy to use and convenient to carry. It’s organic and made from full-spectrum hemp. The mandarin turmeric essential oil supports the body’s immunity response, as it works as a strong antioxidant. No fragrances were added to this vegan, GMO-free product, so you wouldn’t have to worry about any downsides.

We all do our best to live healthy lives. Even though we sometimes get sick or hurt, we all deserve to feel our best and by using high quality ingredients and products that help us overcome health issues ensure that feeling.

Learn More About Re Botanicals

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Please note that HempHealthOnline is not a medical service or healthcare provider. The content provided on this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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